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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Last day

Feeling like the town crier, I feel I must wake Dan and girlfriend Fran up to see this! They both say "Tomorrow!"
I don't know if they have been giving me space to meditate each morning, or they love sleeping. . . probably a little of both.
After making the fruit platter I head down for a massage from Melissa and a sweet Namaste. We return to our place for breakfast. We want to be on the road by ten, stopping by the Craft Fair and onto watch turtles at Poipu Point. Things go swimmingly. I am too in the moment to mourn the last day. . . . Then we have a date with Mike and Nancy at one. They are waiting for us at Brennekes. We spot whales from the open air windows. We share a veggie mushroom burger and an ahi sandwich on a bun. Mai Tais all the way around :)
I find myself wishing we had more time together. That we could have another drink at their place to just feast and sit together.
But it's over and we are on our way home.
I ask if we can just stop at Anini Beach to ground. Breathe and relax, sipping the nectar of the last day's daylight hours. Sure!
Fran feels off her shorts and Dan and I could care less about sand. We all sit together. It is so cool, a rain is coming. Fran reaches for a stick and inscribes, "I Heart Dan and suzyG". Aaaahhh

Once home we settle on the bluffs and whale watch, breathing in the ocean mist and whale joy.
Dinner is leftover pasta, salad and a pizza from Foodland. We are eating up our leftovers, Dan grills the pineapple sausage an eggplant and zuchinni for me. Some will enhance the pizza, just a nice Italian dinner . The rains have come now: crickets chirp.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lovely day, and the perfect way to end your visit to your paradise home.
    I <3 Dan and Suzy G., too!
    Looking forward to tomorrow!
